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No New Posts The Book Of Nalnogard

The rules, plot, history, setting and anything else you should know before joining can be found right her in The Book Of Nalnogard.

Sub-board: About Nalnogard

Jul 16, 2012 14:31:57 GMT -5
No New Posts Nalnogard News - 1 Viewing

Be sure to pick up a copy of the newspaper if you want to keep up to date on all the happenings in Nalnogard. Remember, they're one hundred percent free!

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No New Posts Becoming A Citizen - 1 Viewing

So you like what you see huh? Here you can register as a citizen of Nalnogard! It's not too hard, and as soon as you're done you can begin your new life in Nalnogard.

Sub-board: Census

by Ivarr Blackstone
Jul 16, 2012 21:20:16 GMT -5
No New Posts Plans For The Future - 1 Viewing

Here you can come to meet other citizens of Nalnogard and make plans for the future. From who you'll battle to who you'll fall in love with. Come here for all your plotting needs!

Sub-board: Wanted: Dead Or Alive!

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No New Posts Confused Or Enlightened?

Unsure of something? Have an amazing idea to make everyone's experience in Nalnogard better? Well you've come to the right place! Here you can have your questions answered and your suggestions put into play.

Guest friendly.

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No New Posts Word Of Mouth - 1 Viewing

Have your own amazing site you want to share? Here you can advertise it for all to see.

Guest Friendly. Proboards, Jcink & InvisionFree Only.

Sub-boards: Attack!, Defend!

1 1 Domina abr Wryda
by Domina abr Wryda
Jun 24, 2013 2:00:04 GMT -5

North Nalnogard

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No New Posts Arros City

Arros city is the capital of North Nalnogard where Ducke/Duches Name Here resides. Though it's not nearly as large or lively as the other capitals, it is a rich city because of the jewel and mineral trade with the Dwarves. For those who can stand the cold, it's a good place to get rich.

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No New Posts Diretd Village - 1 Viewing

A small village located near the Gnort Mountains. Most of the villagers work for Lord/Lady Name Here training and raising horses. Those that don't have likely tried mining in the mountains. They must be careful to stay out of the Dwarves way however, or it could get ugly.

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No New Posts Gnorts - 1 Viewing

Gnorts is the dwarves settlement. A peculiar place as all the homes are built into the steep mountain side. It's always bright with the light of forges, and noisy with the sound of Dwarves working in the mines. Chief Name Here is of course always there to monitor things. You won't see any Humans here, as it's a hard trek into the mountains, and the Dwarves don't take kindly to visitors.

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No New Posts Gnort Mountains - 1 Viewing

The Gnort Mountains are massive and snowcapped all year long. It's a hard place to travel, and dangerous as many outlaws and shady characters make their home here, however, it's rich with all sorts of jewels and minerals, and you could easily get rich in these mountains. Just remember to tread carefully!

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East Nalnogard

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No New Posts Ragono City

Ragono City is the capital of east Nalnogard where Duke/Duchess Name Here lives. It's a fairly large city, though not extremely rich as it's main export is wood and meat. There's not much farming land since most of the region is covered in a vast forest the he Wood Elves protect, and the Duke/Duchess doesn't want to tangled with them.

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No New Posts Morr Hills - 1 Viewing

Morr Hills is where the Village of Morr is located. The village is run by Lord/Lady Name Here and is where all the cows, sheep, and goats that produce the main exports of East Nalnogard are raised. It's also right near the Elve's Forest and many of the residents boast about meeting Wood Elves.

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No New Posts Elve's Forest

The Elve's forest is where the Wood Elves make their home. few people other than them ever venture in, as it's a dangerous place full of vicious beasts, and according to rumors in the Village of Morr, ancient beasts so old only the Elves remember them lurk the forest. Be careful if you dare venture in.

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No New Posts Hoomt - 1 Viewing

Hoomt is the Wood Elve's settlement located deep within the forest. All the buildings are located high in the trees, except for they Temple to Bonamin. The elves are led by a council of five that is led by the High Councilwoman Name Here and the High Councilman Name Here.

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Behind The Name

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No New Posts The Renaissance Faire

Come one come all to the greatest faire of the all! Here you can chat with firends, play fun games, show of your art, and even request art. Everything you can do out of character, do it here!

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No New Posts The Magic Tower

This is a staff only zone, so if you're not staff, you're not allowed in!

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No New Posts The Great Archives

All the old stories of the land can be found here. Come and browse through them if you'd like, and remember the fun we've had in the past.

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